Mukk Nqa’ltultuk
Developing Strong Mi’kmaw Communities for the economic betterment of all
Purpose and Mandate
To have Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq, The Province of Nova Scotia and The Government of Canada discuss issues, develop solutions and recommend actions with respect to Mi’kmaw economic development in Nova Scotia.
The committee encourages employment/economic opportunities to enhance the living conditions of Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia. The committee develops partnerships with First Nation communities, the government and the private sector.
MISSION STATEMENT: Committed to working and learning together in partnership, in a manner that respects the needs of the Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq.
VISION STATEMENT: Building a foundation for prosperous and vibrant Mi’kmaq communities through partnership, commitment and respect.
The Economic Development Working Committee includes representatives from:
- The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq
- Nova Scotia Native Women’s Association
- Membertou First Nation
- Eskasoni First Nation
- Glooscap First Nation
- Bear River First Nation
- Paq’tnkek First Nation
- Acadia First Nation
- Ulnooweg Development Group Inc.
- Mi’kmaq Employment Training Secretariat
- Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
- Union of Nova Scotia Indians
- Aboriginal Business Canada
- Nova Scotia Office of Aboriginal Affairs
- Nova Scotia Labour and Workforce Development
- Parks Canada
- Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
- Atlantic Policy Congress
- Nova Scotia Economic Development
- Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation
- Human Resources and Social Development Canada
Committee Work Plan Goals 2018/2019
Goal 1: Information Sharing and Communications
Goal 2: Mawio’mi and Cultural Gatherings Impact Study
Goal 3: Investigate ‘Think Mi’kmaw First’ Strategy
Goal 4: Tourism Capacity Development
Goal 5: Support for TRC Call 92 Business and Reconciliation
Goal 6: Capacity Development
Economic Development Working Committee
Rose Paul- Mi’kmaq Co-chair (Paqtnkek Mi’kmaq Nation)
Rhonda McDougall -Province Co-chair
Lorie Benjamin- Federal Co-chair