- To promote an environment in which Mi’kmaq/Nova Scotia/Canada can come together in cooperation to discuss issues, develop practical solutions, and recommend appropriate actions with respect to Mi’kmaq educators in Nova Scotia.
- To focus on practical, achievable common objectives with respect to early childhood, elementary/secondary, post-secondary, adult education programs, and related issues that impact Mi’kmaw students in Nova Scotia.
- To act as an advisory committee and as a consultation mechanism for Mi’kmaw education policy in Nova Scotia in support of the Mi’kmaw community, Canada and Nova Scotia.
Education Working Committee Co-Chairs:
Ann Denny- Mi’kmaq Co-chair
Ian Doucette- Provincial Co-chair
Anne Bird- Federal Co-chair
The Education Working Committee includes representatives from:
- The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq
- Union of Nova Scotia Indians
- Nova Scotia Native Women’s Association
- Mi’kmaq Language Center of Excellence
- Kjipuktuk College
- Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey
- Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
- Nova Scotia Office of Aboriginal Affairs
- Nova Scotia Department of Education:
– Public Schools Branch, Mi’kmaq Services Division
– Skills and Learning Branch
Committee Work Plan Goals 2018/2019
Goal 1: To advocate and promote the integration of Mi’kmaw culture in Mi’kmaw early years and to develop a comprehensive plan for capacity building of early years educators.
Goal 2: POST SECONDARY – promote, educate, bring awareness, look at level of readiness within communities, identifying gaps for adults going into post-secondary. Increase participation and retention of Mi’kmaw learners in Post -Secondary.
Goal 3: To provide equitable access of Mi’kmaq language to students in the school system.
Goal 4: To Promote the Restoration and Preservation of the Mi’kmaw language through revitalization activities.
Goal 5: To promote and increase awareness of Treaty Education in Nova Scotia including treaty relationships, contemporary treaty issues, Mi’kmaw history and world view.
Goal 6: To create and develop a strategy to make the orange shirt campaign materials more attainable to funding partners and the 13 Nova Scotia communities