Purpose and Mandate:
To promote a setting where Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq, The Province of Nova Scotia and The Government of Canada together discuss issues, develop solutions and recommend actions with respect to health for Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq.
The Health Committee works to address various issues in regards to health needs for Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq. Through researching the needs of Mi’kmaq, projects and partnerships are developed with First Nations communities and the government.
- Compendium of Health Services – September 2003
- Exploring Health Priorities in First Nation Communities in Nova Scotia
» Appendix A: Detailed Methodology
Health Working Committee Co-chairs:
Darlene Anganis- Mi’kmaq Co-chair (Membertou First Nation)
Kimberlee Barro- Provincial Co-Chair
Wade Were- Federal Co-chair
Committee Work Plan Goals 2018/2019
Goal 1: Build Canada-Provincial-Mi’kmaq relationships through communication and collaboration.
Goal 2: Strengthen Mental Health and Addictions services for NS Mi’kmaq.
Goal 3: Address the Gaps in the Provision of Home Care Services to NS Mi’kmaq.
Goal 4: Progress the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.
Goal 5: Continuously Improve the Governance of the Health Working Committee.