To have Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq, The Province of Nova Scotia and The Government of Canada discuss issues, develop solutions and suggest actions with respect to justice for Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq.
The focus is to develop culturally appropriate justice services for Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq.
The Justice Working Committee includes representatives from:
- The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq
- Nova Scotia Native Women’s Association
- Union of Nova Scotia Indians
- Mi’kmaq Young Offender Program
- Aboriginal Justice Directorate
- Aboriginal and Diversity Policing Services RCMP “H” Division
- Nova Scotia Office of Aboriginal Affairs
- Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
- Nova Scotia Correctional Services
- Justice Canada
- Nova Scotia Department of Justice
- Court Service, Justice
- Public Prosecution
- Canadian Human Rights Commission
Justice Committee Mandate
- Provide a framework in which Nova Scotia, Mi’kmaq and Canada can work together in a cooperative way to discuss issues, develop plans and recommend action regarding justice services for Mi’kmaq people.
- Focus on objectives which promote culturally appropriate programs and services for inclusive community safety within a secure funding base. Such services may include the development of dispute resolution services and the further development of initiatives grounded in traditional Mi’kmaq Customary Law.
- Promote Mi’kmaw justice concepts, in consultation and cooperation with the Mi’kmaq communities and other relevant government agencies through the Tripartite Forum.
- Promote the administration and professional delivery of Mi’kmaq justice services to ensure that they are accountable to communities, efficient, effective, equitable and financially sustainable.
- Incorporate the spirit and intent of the Royal Commission on the Donald Marshal Jr. Prosecution (1989) in the work of the Justice Committee.
- Incorporate the spirit and intent of the 1995 report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal People Bridging the Cultural Divide in the work of the Justice Committee.
Justice Working Committee Co-chairs:
Mi’kmaq Co-Chair: Shelly Martin (Millbrook First Nation)
Provincial Co-Chair: Pamela Marche
Federal Co-Chair: Clare Barry
Committee Work Plan Goals 2018/2019
Goal 1: Bylaw Project Governance and Management (Phase One)
Goal 2: Strengthen Collaboration and Support the Mi’kmaw Legal Support Network (MLSN)
Goal 3: Support Implementation of the Mi’kmaw Child Welfare Initiative
Goal 4: Establish Gender and Safety Healing Committee
Future Goal: Bylaw Project (Phase Two)